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THai's Shoutbox XSS (Spoofing URL) BUG

-=[                THai's Shoutbox                                     ]=-
-=[  Author: CorryL           www.x0n3-h4ck.org          ]=-

-=[+] Application:    THai's Shoutbox
-=[+] Version:        not available
-=[+] Vendor's URL:   not available
-=[+] Platform:       Windows\Linux\Unix
-=[+] Bug type:       XSS spoofing url
-=[+] Exploitation:   Remote/Local
-=[+] Author:         CorryL  ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Reference:      www.x0n3-h4ck.org ~ irc.xoned.net #x0n3-h4ck

..::[ Descriprion ]::..

THai's Shoutbox and' a small glass showcase where the consumers of his/her
own site can leave messages,
and' very easy to use and to install, it doesn't need database mysql

..::[ Bug ]::..

this application and' he/she cuts from a bug type XSS a remote attaccker it
is able' to exploit this bug for spoofing a malignant url

..::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..


..::[ Workaround ]::..

Vendor not avaliable

..::[ Disclousure Timeline ]::..

[27/03/2005] - No patch relase from vendor (not avaliable)
[27/02/2005] - Public disclousure

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