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File inclusion and XSS vulnerability in E-Store Kit-2 PayPal Edition

Dcrab 's Security Advisory

Severity:  High
Title: File inclusion and XSS vulnerability in E-Store Kit-2 PayPal Edition
Date: March  26,  2005

There are file include and xss vulnerabilities in E-Store Kit-2 PayPal Edition.

Proof of Concept Exploits:


This results in http://www.whatismyip.com opening up on the server side 
resulting in possible compromise of the full system.

This pops the cookie

Possible fix: The usage of htmlspeacialchars() and to enable safe mod in 
php.ini would solve these problems.

These vulnerabilties have been found and released by Diabolic Crab, Email: 
dcrab[AT|NOSPAM]hackersenter[DOT|NOSPAM]com, please feel free to 

contact me regarding these vulnerabilities. You can find me at, 
http://www.hackerscenter.com or http://icis.digitalparadox.org/~dcrab. Lookout 
for my 

soon to come out book on Secure coding with php.