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RE: [ISN] How To Save The Internet

Jason Coombs [mailto:jasonc@xxxxxxxxxxx] writes:

> ... the core problem with computer 
> security is that our CPUs make no effort to restrict the execution of 
> machine code to that very small subset of all possible machine code 
> which constitutes the code that the owner of the CPU desires 
> it to run.


> If anyone really cared about solving this core security problem with 
> computing today, it would be solved in just a few months. 

  Just one of the myriad of security issues that we're grappling with 
are the various rights of the owner of the CPU, the *operator* of the
CPU, and the owner of the *data*, each of whom may have a more or less
legitimate say in what code actually gets executed.  Far too many folks 
have already "solved" this problem incorrectly for me to believe that 
the "just a few months" solution you envisage will actually be correct.

David Gillett