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Mysql CREATE FUNCTION mysql.func table arbitrary library injection

2. Mysql CREATE FUNCTION  mysql.func table arbitrary library injection

Author: Stefano Di Paola
Vulnerable: Mysql <= 4.0.23, 4.1.10 
Type of Vulnerability: Local/Remote Privileges Escalation  - input
Tested On : Mandrake 10.1 /Debian Sarge
Vendor Status: Notified on March 2005

-- Description 

If an authenticated user has INSERT and DELETE privileges on 'mysql'
database, it is possible to use a library located in an arbitrary

The problem resides in the lack of checking the presence of directory
separator in udf_init() function in sql_udf.cc.

When you try to create a function loading a library from an arbitrary
mysql> create function do_system returns integer soname
ERROR 1124: No paths allowed for shared library

do you see? 
no way to load a library from an arbitrary directory...

What happens:
in sql_udf.cc
int mysql_create_function(THD *thd,udf_func *udf)
    Ensure that the .dll doesn't have a path
    This is done to ensure that only approved dll from the system
    directories are used (to make this even remotely secure).
  if (strchr(udf->dl, '/'))
    send_error(&thd->net, ER_UDF_NO_PATHS,ER(ER_UDF_NO_PATHS));
is called and is checked if the name of library contains a '/'
so nobody can load a library from an arbitrary location.

Lets see where function infos are stored:

mysql> describe mysql.func;
| Field | Type                         | Null | Key | Default  | Extra |
| name  | char(64) binary              |      | PRI |          |       |
| ret   | tinyint(1)                   |      |     | 0        |       |
| dl    | char(128)                    |      |     |          |       |
| type  | enum('function','aggregate') |      |     | function |       |

The table mysql.func holds all information about 
loaded and created functions and it is kept updated for being loaded
when mysql restarts. In this way all the function previously created
can be retrieved.

This is done by calling 
in  sql_udf.cc

void udf_init()
Which reads mysql.func table and re-sets all previously declared
and created functions.
Well, the vulnerability lies here.

Infact it does not check if the 'dl' field contains a '/'.

If we don't use the CREATE FUNCTION statement, but we use the
INSERT INTO statement.
Putting the name of shared library in dl field.
INSERT INTO mysql.func (name,dl) VALUES

And then we force mysql to restart, by using 
for example:
SELECT exit(0);

when mysql restarts it will load the shared library from
by allowing us to use the imported functions.

Remote exploitation is possible if db user has File_Priv (SELECT ...

A Proof of concept for GNU/Linux is attached (needs MySql root

$php exp2.php
Connected successfully as root
creating db for lib
selecting db for lib
creating blob table for lib
inserting blob table for lib
dumping lib in /tmp/libso.so.0...
sending lib....
Creating exit function to restart server
Selecting exit function
Waiting for server to restart
Connected to MySql server again...
Sending Command...id >/tmp/id
Now use your fav shell and ls -l /tmp/id
$ls -l /tmp/id
-rw-rw----  1 mysql mysql 45 gen 28 19:25 /tmp/id

-- Solution:

Mysql released a patch.
New versions for MySQL 4.0.24 and  4.1.10a have been released. Download
them to fix the issue.

Thanks to MySQL people, they where very kind and professional.

-- Disclaimer

In no event shall the author be liable for any damages 
whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use 
or spread of this information. 
Any use of this information is at the user's own risk.


Stefano Di Paola
Software Engineer
Email: stefano.dipaola_at_wisec.it
Email: stefano.dipaola1_at_tin.it
Web: www.wisec.it

Attachment: exp2.php
Description: application/php