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See-security advisory: Trillian Basic 3.0 PNG Processing Buffer overflow

#                                                                #
#               See-security Technologies ltd.                   #
#                                                                #
#                http://www.see-security.com                     #
#                                                                #

[-] Product Information
Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports 
AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC.

[-] Vulnerability Description
Trillian contains a buffer overflow vulnerability in the way it parse PNG Images

[-] Exploit
Proof of concept exploit code is available at 

[-] Exploitation Analysis
When triggering this vulnerability the return address is overwritten
and the ESP register points to user-controlled data
by crafting a malformed structure its possible to execute arbitrary code
The structrue is as follows
[Malformed PNG Header][shellcode][New return address][get back shellcode]

[-] Credits
The vulnerability was discovered and exploited by Tal zeltzer