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Firetabbing [Firefox 1.0]
- To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <NTBUGTRAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Firetabbing [Firefox 1.0]
- From: "mikx" <mikx@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 18:50:23 +0100
The javascript security manager usually prevents that a javascript: URL from
one host is opened in a window displaying content from another host. But
when the link is dropped to a tab, the security manager does not kick in.
This can lead to several security problems scaling from stealing session
cookies to the ability to run arbitrary code on the client system (depending
on the displayed site or security setttings).
Tabbed browsing is a great feature to organize mutliple website, but after a
while also tabs become too much. Now you have two options: Close tabs and
open new ones (CTRL+W to close a tab, followed by a CTRL+click on a link to
open a new one), or just recycle already open tabs by dragging links to
them - the solution i prefer.
The bug is marked as fixed in bugzilla. Get a nightly build, compile on your
own or wait for Firefox 1.0.1.
2005-01-27 Vendor informed (bugzilla.mozilla.org #280056)
2005-01-28 Vendor confirmed bug
2005-02-05 Vendor fixed bug
2005-02-07 Public disclosure
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has
assigned the name CAN-2005-0231 to this issue.
__Affected Software
Tested with Firefox 1.0 and Mozilla 1.7.5
__Contact Informations
Michael Krax <mikx@xxxxxxx>