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Re: logwatch and logrotate might create a blind spot in reporting

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Sami Pitko wrote:

> There are some ways to make logwatch reports more reliable:
>   * set "Archives = yes" in logwatch.conf. You might also want to tune
>     archive settings in /etc/log.d/conf/logfiles/ to prevent unnecessary
>     processing of really old archives. To cover the blind spot with range
>     'yesterday' and weekly rotation, it is usually enough to specify for
>     example "Archive = secure.1" in secure.conf
>   * move logwatch and logrotate to happen at midnight
>   * change date matching logic in /etc/log.d/scripts to match for example
>     previous 24 hours

or add the following to the logrotate configuration file:


Then it will run logwatch just before it rotates the file.