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Security Advisory: BiTBOARD xss

Advisory Information
Advisory name           :  BiTBOARD XSS
Discovered by           :  drhankey / it-security23.net
Vendor Name             :  the bitshifters sdc
Vendor Homepage         :  http://www.bitshifters.net
Software                :  Bitboard
Vulnerability Type      :  Cross-Site-Scripting
Vulnerable Versions     :  2.5 and prior
Platforms               :  OS Independent, PHP

What is Bitshifters Bitboard?
Woltlab Burning Board Lite is a free message board using plain text files as 

Vulnerability Description:
Ii's possible to inject javascript by abusing some kind of bbcode used in the 
posting system.

Proof of Concept:
[img]path/to/some/image' onMouseover='alert("hehehe... insecure");[/img]