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Two Vulnerabilities in ViewCVS

              Two Vulnerabilities in ViewCVS

Author: Jose Antonio Coret (Joxean Koret)
Date: 2004 
Location: Basque Country


Affected software description:

ViewCVS 0.9.2 - ViewCVS is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion
version control repositories

ViewCVS can browse directories, change logs, and revisions of files. It
can display diffs between versions and show selections of files based on
tags or branches. In addition, ViewCVS has "annotation" / "blame"
support, and Bonsai-like query facility

Web : http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net



A. Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability and/or HTTP Response Splitting

A1. When you want to view any source file that is stored in the CVS
repository you can 
select the mime-type to view this (in example, text/html or text/plain).
This is a 
parameter that receives thet viewcvs.py script and is not verified.

I'm not sure if this is an HTTP Response Splitting vulnerability and/or
a Cross Site Scripting,
but is a security problem.

To try the vulnerabilities you can try the following the Proof of

        Sample 1 :


        Sample 2 :


The fix:

The vendor was contacted but no path for the 0.9.2 version has been
released. Anyway, the 
problems has been fixed in the ViewCVS 1.0-dev version available via


The information in this advisory and any of its demonstrations is
"as is" without any warranty of any kind.

I am not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused as a result of
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        Joxean Koret at joxeanpiti<<<<<<<<@>>>>>>>>yah00<<<<<<dot>>>>>es

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