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Multiple WHM Autopilot Vulnerabilities
- To: <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "OSVDB" <moderators@xxxxxxxxx>, "Secunia Research" <vuln@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Multiple WHM Autopilot Vulnerabilities
- From: "GulfTech Security" <security@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 06:33:47 -0600
# GulfTech Security Research December 28th, 2004
# Vendor : Benchmark Designs, LLC
# URL : http://www.whmautopilot.com/
# Version : WHM AutoPilot v2.4.6.5 && Others [All Versions]
# Risk : Multiple Vulnerabilities
Started by a webhost looking for more out of a simple managment
script, Brandee Diggs (Owner of Spinn A Web Cafe, Founder of
Benchmark Designs) setout to build an internal management system
that could handle the day to day operations of a normal hosting
company. The key was to remove the need to constantly watch your
orders and manage the installs. Alas, WHM AutoPilot was born.
[ as quoted from their official website ]
Cross Site Scripting:
There are a significant number of cross site scripting issues in
WHM AutoPilot. Most of these are caused by calling scripts directly
and specifying certain variable values yourself. Below are a few
examples, though there are many more XSS holes than just the examples
I am showing below.
I believe that every file in the /themes/blue/ directory can be
manipulated in this way, and of course this can be used to steal a
users credentials or render hostile code.
File Include Vulnerability:
WHM AutoPilot is susceptible to several potentially very dangerous
file include vulns. Below are several examples of how files can be
included and possibly executed remotely.
This can be used to include php scripts and possibly take control
of the webserver and more. A user does not have to be logged in to
exploit this vulnerability either so that just makes it even more
dangerous. Now for something weird: See the first example I gave above?
Notice the "header.php/step_one.php"? Well, that was done to get around a
piece of code that looked something like this. I am not going to include
the actual code since this is proprietary software, but this should
definitely give you the idea of what happened.
if (ereg("test.php", $PHP_SELF)==true)
include $server_inc."/step_one_tables.php";
This works because $PHP_SELF will return the value of "header.php/step_
one.php" expectedly. The below excerpt was taken from the php manual.
The filename of the currently executing script, relative to the document
root. For instance, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in a script at the address
http://example.com/test.php/foo.bar would be /test.php/foo.bar. The __FILE__
constant contains the full path and filename of the current (i.e. included)
I see a lot of developers use this variable without giving much though
to how it can be taken advantage of. I have even found it can cause be
used to conduct cross site scripting attacks when the phpinfo() function
is called.
Information Disclosure:
By default WHM AutoPilot is shipped with a phpinfo() script that is
accessible to anyone. As far as I know WHM AutoPilot needs register globals
to work, but if you want to check php settings anyway the file can be found
in the root directory as "phpinfo.php"
Related Info:
The original advisory can be found at the following location
James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team
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Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.5 - Release Date: 12/26/2004