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4 Vulnerabilities in GamePort

   Exploit Tested On :
     GamePort 4.0
     GamePort 3.1
     GamePort 3.0

   Platform :
     Windows 9X/Me/2K/XP   

   Background of Program :
     Gameport is a product of interactivestudio(www.interactivestudio.sk). it 
is very Common Program in Iran(My Country) that is used for Gamenets and 
Coffenets. It has to Parts Client and Server. Each Costomer of Coffenet or 
Gamenet has an ID and a Password and by his ID and password he can access one 
of PCs in the Gamenet or Coffeenet. The user credits will be count down from 
time he will log in to system GamePort untill he will log out. In the case the 
users credits has expired the computer will be restarted and he can logon again 
after he buy a new credits.(more Informations in www.interactivestudio.sk)
   Type of Vulnerability:
     Remote/Local   Critical
   Descripttion :
     we've found 4 Vulnerability
     Vul I :
     When Client is not Logged in, in ID textbox Put your username and in 
Password textbox Put your password and "^^#LOGOFF#" for example :

     ID : 101
     Password : 123^^#LOGOFF#
     then you will login and you can use the Client PC and the Server wont 
count down your credits.
     Vul II :
     the admin Password of server is reversable, it means that You can easily 
decode the password recorded in registry. we've programmed a decoder for admin 
password of server. you may download the source(in VB) here :


     ***Other Vulnerabilities is Only for Version 4.0***
     Vul III :
     In Case you have access to Server's PC(the PC have GamePortserver 
installed) but you don't have the admin password you can change the clients 
password Or you can call an application on the Clients(Pcs that have Gameport 
Client installed) remotly without admin password. just push right click on 
mouse over icon of client pc in the main window of Gameport server, that we 
want to Call an application on or change it's admin password. After this the 
menu appear, where we choose item "Send message to user...". Now the window 
will appear where we can write a message and send it by pushing button "Send". 
in the Textbox type "^^#CALL#:application_name.exe" and push send that 
application will run on the client. also you can change admin password by 
typing "^^#CHANGEPSSWD#:New password" instead of message. for example :
     Vul IV :
     I don't Know why this Occurs.
     In "Remore applictaion call" part of server If you type 
"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.exe" or 
"//////////////////////////////////////////////.exe" and Press OK. the Client 
you've send the packet to it Will hang up for a Long time.

   Analisis :

     Vul I :
     When you type your ID and password and "^^#LOGOFF#" at the end and press 
the login key. a packet with this data will be sent to server :


     it means that log me in and then log me off but when Client Logs off 
doesn't perevnt your access.

     Vul III:
     after sending that message to client, that client will recive this data :

     it means show "nothing" as message and Call CMD.exe application.
     *****All Words Between ## are Capital*****

   Solution :
     We've Made a Patch for 3.0 & 4.0 Versions ourself, may be 
Interactivestudio Gonna make a Patch for it in future but til they haven't 
released it we try to sell our patch.
     amoXi & Dr.vaXin
     GrayDevilkins Team