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[CAN-2004-1022] Insecure Credential Storage on Kerio Software


Secure Computer Group - University of A Coruna http://research.tic.udc.es/scg/

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          dotpi.com Information Technologies Research Labs


ID:                        #20041214-1
Document title:            Insecure Credential Storage on Kerio
Document revision:         1.0

Coordinated release date:  2004/12/14
Vendor Acknowledge date:   2004/10/06
Reported date:             2004/10/01

CVE Name: CAN-2004-1022

Other references:          N/A


  Impact:                  Insecure Credential Storage
  Rating/Severity:         Medium
  Recommendation:          Update to latest version

Vendor: Kerio Technologies Inc.

  Affected software:       Kerio WinRoute Firewall (all versions)
                           Kerio ServerFirewall (all versions)
                           Kerio MailServer (all versions)

  Updates/Patches:         Yes (see below)

General Information:

  1. Executive summary:

     As a result of its collaboration relationship the Secure Computer
     Group (SCG) along with dotpi.com Research Labs have determined
     this security issue on Kerio WinRoute Firewall (KWF), Kerio
     ServerFirewall (KSF) and Kerio MailServer (KMS).

     KWF, KSF and KMS user credential database system uses symmetric
     encryption to protect passwords stored on it.

     Anyone with a cyphertext of this database (that is, with access to
     the configuration files) could reverse the encryption using a
     universal secret key hidden into the program logic.

     New versions of the software solve this and other minor problems
     so it is upgrade its highly recommended.

2. Technical details: ------------------

     Following the latest trends and approaches to responsible
     disclosure, SCG and dotpi.com are going to withhold details of
     this flaw for three months.

     Full details will be published on 2005/03/14. This three month
     window will allow system administrators the time needed to
     obtain the patch before the details are released to the general

3. Risk Assessment factors: ------------------------

     The attacker needs access to the user database, which is not
     normally a usual condition on a properly hardened firewall and/or
     mail server.

     Despite this, special care should be taken on shared environments
     where more than one technical staff work together on the firewall
     and/or the mail server. This kind of scenarios offer a potential
     opportunity for the insiders on the work of stealing identities
     and, therefore, breaking access control measures.

     It is also important to note that this could be an important
     second-stage resource for a successful attacker on an already
     compromised firewall and/or mail server.

4. Solutions and recommendations: ------------------------------

Upgrade to the latest versions:

o Kerio Winroute Firewall 6.0.9

o Kerio ServerFirewall 1.0.1

o Kerio MailServer 6.0.5

     As in any other case, follow, as much as possible, the Industry
     'Best Practices' on Planning, Deployment and Operation on this
     kind of services.


     Kerio Winroute Firewall 6.0.7 fixed CAN-2004-1022. Kerio Winroute
     Firewall 6.0.9 is the current version fixing CAN-2004-1022 and

5. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project: ---------------------------------------------------

     The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has
     assigned the name CAN-2004-1022 to this issue. This is a
     candidate for inclusion in the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org),
     which standardizes names for security problems.



  1. Special thanks to Vladimir Toncar and Pavel Dobry and the whole
     Technical Team from Kerio Technologies (support at kerio.com)
     for their quick response and professional handling on this issue.

  3. The whole Research Lab at dotpi.com and specially to Carlos Veira
     for his leadership and support.

  3. Secure Computer Group at University of A Coruna (scg at udc.es),
     and specially to Antonino Santos del Riego powering new research
     paths at University of a Coruna.



Javier Munoz (Secure Computer Group) is credited with this discovery.


Related Links:

  [1] Kerio Technologies Inc.

  [2] Kerio WinRoute Firewall Downloads & Updates

  [3] Kerio ServerFirewall Downloads & Updates

  [4] Kerio MailServer Downloads & Updates

  [5] Secure Computer Group. University of A Coruna

  [6] Secure Computer Group. Updated advisory

  [7] dotpi.com Information Technologies S.L.

  [8] dotpi.com Research Labs


Legal notice:

  Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Secure Computer Group. University of A Coruna
  Copyright (c) 2004 dotpi.com Information Technologies S.L.

  Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
  electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
  written consent of the authors.

  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
  other medium other than electronically, please contact the authors
  for explicit written permission at the following e-mail addresses:
  (scg at udc.es) and (info at dotpi.com).

  Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be
  accurate at the time of publishing based on currently available
  information. Use of the information constitutes acceptance for use
  in an AS IS condition.

  There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
  author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
  indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
  reliance on, this information.