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Re: Evidence Mounts that the Vote Was Hacked

Jay D. Dyson wrote:

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On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Atom 'Smasher' wrote:

Evidence Mounts that the Vote Was Hacked

Read the whole thing and didn't see any evidence. Just wild speculation and baseless conjecture. Hell, there were countless counties across the nation in which more people were registered to vote than were eligible residents, but -- for some reason -- that ain't news.

        Why was this politically-motivated nonsense approved for Bugtraq?
The Democrats lost.  Get over it already.

If you follow the links in the story there are plenty of anomolies that would be statistically impossible if there wasn't rigging. The Florida numbers indicate rigging because you can directly correlate pattern differences between the expected vote and the actual counted vote in each county. The variable used to correlate this is the type of voting machine.

Since the counties are distributed throughout Florida, there is no other explanation for the numbers coming out the way that they did. The implication, of course, is that someone cracked into the Op-Scan central tabulator and modified the numbers.

This isn't reaching, it's what's actually there. Feel free to check the numbers yourself.

The point is that there are questions tied to this. Election legitimacy is important - at least to progressives it is. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Election legitimacy is a non-partisan issue. Unless you want to argue otherwise, you have no point to make.


p.s. I find it interesting that you attack others for being partisan when you're so clearly partisan you'd have to be blind not to see it.