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RE: Diebold Global Election Management System (GEMS) Backdoor Acc ount Allows Authenticated Users to Modify Votes
- To: "'Jeremy Epstein'" <jeremy.epstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Greg A. Woods" <woods@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: Diebold Global Election Management System (GEMS) Backdoor Acc ount Allows Authenticated Users to Modify Votes
- From: David Brodbeck <DavidB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:40:51 -0400
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Epstein [mailto:jeremy.epstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Besides, given what most of us know about government
> efficiency, would you
> WANT the government to be designing and building voting machines? Be
> careful of what you wish for, as you may get it!
Much of what people "know" about government efficiency is wrong. I'm not
saying that there isn't inefficiency in government, but people underestimate
how inefficient the private sector is. A couple years ago a study was done
that found that in the private U.S. health care system, a lower percentage
of the money going in goes to actual health care than in the Canadian
government-run system. The rest of the money went to bureaucracy and (in
the U.S. case) corporate profits. This is just one example of the private
sector being less efficient than government.