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Re: International DNS compromise?
- To: zhenshi99@xxxxxxxxx (Zhen Shi)
- Subject: Re: International DNS compromise?
- From: "Troy" <tjk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 10:49:39 -0700 (PDT)
It's probably the ISP you are using.
They are intercepting DNS requests and returning their
own replies. It could be something malicious, but it could
just as well be the ISP saving bandwidth by caching DNS queries.
If they cache DNS queries they probably cache www queries as
well. This is very common among ISPs outside the U.S., since
traffic out of the country tends to be a lot more expensive
than domestic traffic.
DNS is only as trustworthy as the companies who control
your network and those networks connected to it. The same
is true in China and everywhere else, including the U.S.
> Dear all,
> Recently I noticed something fishy in the DNS system
> between US and China.
> First, any IPs, dead or live, in China will respond
> to your DNS query for some domains. For example
> (screen shot with some clean-up and comments):
> C:\>nslookup
> > server <=== pick a random IP in
> China
> Default Server: []
> Address:
> > www.rfa.org
> Server: []
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: www.rfa.org
> Address: <=== you got response!!!!
> Second, every time the response is different:
> > www.rfa.org
> Server: []
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: www.rfa.org
> Address:
> > www.rfa.org
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: www.rfa.org
> Address:
> > www.rfa.org
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: www.rfa.org
> Address:
> Third, you can even get response from non-exist host
> names:
> > nosuchhost.rfa.org
> Server: []
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: nosuchhost.rfa.org
> Address:
> > nosuchhost.rfa.org
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name: nosuchhost.rfa.org
> Address:
> What on earth is really going on here? It seems the
> DNS system is messed up between US and China, and its
> integrity is compromised. People can be unknowingly
> redirected to any where ...
> --Zhen
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