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RE: Norton AntiVirus Denial Of Service Vulnerability [Part: !!!]
- To: "Bipin Gautam" <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: Norton AntiVirus Denial Of Service Vulnerability [Part: !!!]
- From: "Eric McCarty" <eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 11:50:42 -0700
Norton Antivirus 2004 Confirmed Vulnerable, Pegged CPU on a 3ghz machine for
indefinate amount of time scanning.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bipin Gautam [mailto:visitbipin@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 5:47 PM
To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Norton AntiVirus Denial Of Service Vulnerability [Part: !!!]
Norton AntiVirus Denial Of Service Vulnerability [Part: !!!]
*vulnerable [...only tested on!]
Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2003 Professional Edition
Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2002
*not vulnerable
Mcafee 7*
Mcafee 8*
Risk Impact: Medium
Remote: yes
While having a virus scan [automatic/manual] of some specially crafted
compressed files; NAV triggers a DoS using 100% CPU for a very long time.
Morover, NAV is unable to stop the scan in middle, even if the user wishes to
manually stop the virus scan. Then, in this situation the only alternate is to
kill the process.
--- [Proof of Concept] ---
Please download this file.
http://www.geocities.com/visitbipin/av_bomb_3.zip <--- For symantec.
http://www.geocities.com/visitbipin/EXTRACTit1st.zip <--- A bzip2 file,
test it on other AV products, too.
The file contains, 'EICAR Test String' burried in 49647 directories. This is
just a RAW 'proof of concept'. A few 100kb's of compressed file could be
crafted in a way... NAV will take hours or MIGHT even days to complete the scan
causing 100% cup use in email gateways for hours. The compressed archive must
not necessarily be a '.zip' to trigger this attack.
PLEASE: ...test this issue with other AV / trojan scanners as they might also
be vulnerable.
Bipin Gautam
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