Nobody trusts the OIS or its motives. I imagine this is similar to the
feedback you've gotten from everyone else as well, but Immunity has no
plans to subscribe to your guidelines, and is going to oppose any
efforts you make to legislate those guidelines as law. In section 1.1
the draft proposes that the purpose of the OIS's model is to protect
systems from vulnerabilities. This is fairly obviously untrue - the
purpose of the OIS is to lobby towards a business model for Microsoft
and the other OIS members that involves the removal of non-compliant
security researchers.
This call for feedback is a thinly disguised attempt to get public
legitimacy and allow the OIS to claim it has community backing, which it
clearly does not.
It's rare, but there are still security companies and individuals who do
not owe their entire business to money from Microsoft. It's July 4th.
and some of us are Americans who understand the concept of independance.
Dave Aitel
Immunity, Inc.
OIS wrote:
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The Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) extends an invitation to