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Re: php codes injection in phpMyAdmin version 2.5.7.

In-Reply-To: <20040629025752.976.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The Internet, 2004-06-30


The phpMyAdmin development team announces
the availability of phpMyAdmin 2.5.7, patch level 1.
This version fixes the vulnerability dated 2004-06-29,
released on BUGTRAQ.
From our Documentation.html, FAQ 8.2:
"We acknowledge that phpMyAdmin versions 2.5.1 to 2.5.7 are vulnerable to this 
 if each of the following conditions are met:

    * The Web server hosting phpMyAdmin is not running in safe mode.
    * In config.inc.php, $cfg['LeftFrameLight'] is set to FALSE (the default 
value of this parameter is TRUE).
    * There is no firewall blocking requests from the Web server to the 
attacking host."

We would like to put emphasis on the disappointment we feel when a bugreporter 
does not contact the authors of a software first, before posting any exploits. 
The common way to report this, is to give the developers a reasonable amount of 
time to respond to an exploit 
before it is made public.

Marc Delisle, for the team.