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Re: IE/0DAY -> Insider Prototype

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For me
xp full patched sp 1
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <liudieyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 4:35 AM
Subject: IE/0DAY -> Insider Prototype

> [tested]
> Internet Explorer 6 SP1 running on Windows XP(Home Edition) Service Pack
> Updated on 2004/07/21 GMT+800
> [intro]
> "the-insider" exploit was first noticed by the-insider:
> and then documented by jelmer:
> [what is new]
> the exploit is complicated.
> i just simplified the exploit and made a very small demo of the xss
> vulnerability:
> http://UMBRELLA.NAME/originalvuln/InsiderPrototype/demo.htm
> i hope it helps those who are confused by tons of code there in the
> exploit.
> the prototype is actually extremely simple - and cool.
> that's all.
> [request your comment on iebug.com]
> btw, what do you think of iebug.com
> http://iebug.com
> ?
> do you prefer just reading selected messages?
> i can make iebug display selected messages only; i can enable all
> visitors to vote for a message - or you have a better idea for
> iebug.com?
> please comment on iebug.com and let me know.
> iebug.com:
> -----
> Security and Vulnerability Discussion related to Internet Explorer,
> Outlook, Java Virtual Machine and Windows Media Player found at
> bugtraq, full-disclosure and microsoft security bulletin
> up-to-hour
> -----
> [ps]
> have a nice day,
> greetingz fly to: the Pull and dror
> and all real full-disclosure guys, especially: malware and jelmer
> and at last,but not least, all guys who helped improving winblox,
> mdc12 and morning_wood
> for contributing their code - it's a shame that i got some goddamned exams
> the remaining june.
> i deleted all my email messages, please resend your email if i missed.
> liu die yu
> http://umbrella.name/