Sorry about my previous post, Norton picked up the html code an filtered my e-mail. Here is the original post without the html flags
Seems benign enough. Every night when it runs, after the first scan of the registry, it creates four files in the C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 6\cache folder which Norton AV catches as trojan scripts:
exploit.chm installer.htm shellscript.js shellscript_loader.js
In installer.htm, it appears to use one of the IE IFRAME exploits to download the java script files.
The most unusual part is that it happens at the end of the registry scan in Ad-aware. A google search doesn't turn up any relation between this exploit and Ad-aware so it could be something unique to my system but at this point I am at a loss as to what it could be.
Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks, Matt