I have a client who is seeing large amounts of spam originate inside
their organization. I have traced the spam to Windows machines running
Eudora 6.1.1 (latest) in paid mode. Apparently, spam messages come in,
something is executed in these spam messages, and copies/duplicates
(with forged names/headers) immediately drop into the Eudora OutBox
(Messages waiting to be sent) to many users all located in the Eudora
Addressbook of that particular computer.
We have scanned (in safe mode and regular) with Norton AV Corporate
fully up to date, along with numerous spyware, malware, adware scanners
(Spybot Search & Destroy 1.3, CWShredder, Ad-Aware) all with up to date
definitions, and have come up with nothing.
It seems as though some sort of arbitrary execution of code within
Eudora emails is automatically executed before the Incoming SPAM is
classified as such and moved into the JUNK folder.
Headers of the outgoing spam contain the following lines (other than
forged from, reply-to, to, and subject):
X-Mailer: Zckvdgt 0.7
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
The outgoing spam is not always the same, but is (I believe) based on
the spam that comes in. We have seen Prescription Drugs, Pornographic
Sites, and other common SPAMs.
Is anyone else seeing this or can anyone provide any information? Any
advise would be helpful. In the time being, I am going to move those
users to Thunderbird in efforts to stop originating spam.
Brian T Luerssen
Infinite Consulting Inc.