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Re: Buffer Overflow in ActivePerl?


Am Mon, May 17, 2004 at 10:23:56PM +0200, Oliver@xxxxxxxxxx schrieb:
> i played around with ActiveState's ActivePerl for Win32, and crashed 
> Perl.exe with the following command:
> perl -e "$a="A" x 256; system($a)"
> I wonder if this bug isnt known?!? Because system() is a very common 
> command....
> Can anybody reproduce this?

I can confirm this for Perl v5.8.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(Binary build 805 provided by ActiveState Corp.) on W2K.

My first thought was that the nested double-quotes maybe the reason,
but even 

  perl -e "$a='A' x 256; system($a)"


  perl -e "system('A'x256)"

chrashes also btw.

            Kind regards, Axel Beckert
Axel Beckert      ecos electronic communication services gmbh
it security solutions * web applications with apache and perl

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