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Re: After Ms patches last Wed ...

InfoSec@xxxxxxxx writes:

> I've been following this thread and the stated instabilities of the 
> MS04-011 security update, I had determined to delay deployment of this 
> patch until it was stabilized but it seems it wasnt stabilized fast enough 
> to beat the worms to market.
> Now of course this same LSASS vuln addressed by MS04-011 is the target of 
> the Sasser worm.... 
> undeployable/unstable patch + critical vulnerability = the even greater 
> threat of the sasser worm(s)... good job.
> I read in a article on this patch that the instability is only present if 
> the "Nortel Networks VPN client is installed and the IPSec Policy Agent is 
> set to manual or automatic startup type", does anyone have any further 
> input on MS04-011? Stable on a standard Win2k server install or not?

We've just seen issues with some USB storage devices after applying
MS04-011. No good details yet I'm afraid, but you might want to test
the patch on a few machines first.

It's been stable on all the servers (just over 100) I've applied it

James Riden / j.riden@xxxxxxxxxxxx / Systems Security Engineer
GPG public key available at: http://www.massey.ac.nz/~jriden/
This post does not necessarily represent the views of my employer.