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W32/Sasser a and b SNORT Sigs


To save my SNORT sigs board going into meltdown, I sm posting my Sasser 
snort sigs here for all interested parties.

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"W32/Sasser.worm.a 
[NAI])"; content:"|BC 3B 74 0B 50 8B 3D E8 46 A7 3D 09 85 B8 F8 CD 76 40 
DE 7C 5B 5C D7 2A A8 E8 58 75 62 96 25 24|"; classtype:misc-

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"W32/Sasser.worm.b 
[NAI])"; content:"|58 BC 0C FF 59 57 32 31 BD EC 34 64 6E D6 E3 8D 65 04 
68 58 62 79 DF D8 2C 25 6A B5 28 BA 13 74|"; classtype:misc-

Martin Overton
Anti-Malware Specialist - WildList Reporter - AVIEN Charter member
Electronic Ephemera - Hoax FAQ http://arachnophiliac.com/hoax
Arachnid and Snake Wrangler - http://arachnophiliac.com/burrow/home.htm
PGP key - http://arachnid.homeip.net/papers/other/MartinOverton.asc
QFTD='Never could any increase of comfort or security be a sufficient good 
to be bought at the price of liberty.' - Hilaire Belloc