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Cross Site Scripting in Moodle < 1.3

                      Cross Site Scripting in Moodle < 1.3

[01] Author:
author:   Bartek Nowotarski (silence)
location: Trzebinia, Poland
mail:     silence10(at)wp(dot)pl
site:     silence(dot)0(dot)pl

[02] Discussion:
"Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a software package designed to
help educators create quality online courses. Such e-learning systems are
sometimes also called Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE)." www.moodle.org
It has over 1000 *register* sites in 75 countries.

Project home site: http://www.moodle.org

[03] Bug:
It is possible to execute any HTML/javascript command in help.php file by
A code in {url_to_script_to_execute} will be executed.
Bug enables to get users' session id's by writing a special script and use it
to login as any user.

[04] Solution:
a) This bug have been fixed in version 1.3.
b) For version 1.2 replace line 75:
75| echo "$text";
75| echo clean_text($text);

[05] Credits:
Vulnerability discovered by Bartek Nowotarski (silence). All rights reserved.

[06] Disclaimer:
This document and all  the information it contains are provided "as is",
for educational  purposes only,  without  warranty of any kind,  whether
express or implied.
