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Zaep AntiSpam Cross Site Scripting

 Zaep AntiSpam Cross Site Scripting

Article reference:


Beyond Security has discovered a security vulnerability in 
<http://www.zaep.com/> Zaep AntiSpam 2.0, the vulnerability would allow a 
remote attacker to use the Zaep program's CGI to cause it to return third 
party content as if it were its own (A cross-site scripting vulnerability). 
This vulnerability would allow (depending on the web server's configuration 
and site sensitivity) to steal cookies, display  alternative information 
(cross-site defacement), or redirect users to malicious sites.


Vulnerable Systems:
 * Zaep AntiSpam 2.0

Immune Systems:
 * Zaep AntiSpam

Once you send an email to an organization protected by Zaep, a URL like: 
http://vulnerable.zaep/?key=3d981f0f.4056b0a6.23285275 is issued. If you 
modify the URL to include <script>something</script>, the Zaep will convert 
the '/' sign to \, making the script clause not work properly. So far, this 
behavior will "protect" the product from a cross-site scripting 
vulnerability. However, double encoding the / sign (%252F) will bypass this 
conversion, and allow you to insert malicious content (JavaScript, HTML, etc) 
into the page.

Exploit (for all the vulnerabilities):

Vendor response:
The vendor has been very cooperative and has issued a patch to fix this 
problem as soon as they were notified.


The information has been provided by <mailto:expert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Noam 


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