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LAN SUITE Web Mail 602Pro Multiple Vulnerabilities
- To: "bugtraq" <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: LAN SUITE Web Mail 602Pro Multiple Vulnerabilities
- From: "Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider" <theinsider@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 15:12:19 +0200
Application: LAN SUITE Web Mail
Server: WEB602/1.04
Vendors: Software602, Inc
Versions: 602Pro
Platforms: Windows
Bug: Directory Listing, Local Path Disclosure and Cross Site
Risk: Medium
Exploitation: Remote with browser
Date: 28 Feb 2004
Author: Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider
E-mail: the_insider@xxxxxxxx
Website: http://theinsider.deep-ice.com
1) Introduction
2) Bugs
3) The Code
1) Introduction
Software602's PC Suite features a highly capable word processor,
spreadsheet, and photo editor/organizer--and it won't cost you a dime if
you're a
home user. (Commercial customers pay $60, and all users must register the
within 30 days to unlock all the features.) Can it compete feature for
feature with
Word and Excel? No, but it has the essential tools you use every day.
You can even get help, if you're willing to pay for it: E-mail support costs
$50 for
one year; phone support is $60 per incident.
2) Bug
Directory Listing:
Upon refering to index.html directory listing of the folder is printed:
http://<host>/index.html - directory listing
Local Path Disclosure:
Inside the mail login form, the local path of the server's folder is
<input type="hidden" name="Mail602Dir" value="C:\LANSUITE">
Cross Site Scripting:
When reffering to index.html as folder, text and script injection is
3) The Code
Directory Listing: http://<host>/index.html
Directory Listing: http://<host>/cgi-bin/
Local Path Disclosure: <input type="hidden" name="Mail602Dir"
Cross Site Scripting:
Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider
"Things that are unlikeable, are NOT impossible."