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[HUC] Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x "MDTM" Command Remote Exploit

* Servu2.c - Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x "MDTM" Command
* Remote stack buffer overflow exploit
* Copyright (C) 2004 HUC All Rights Reserved.
* Author   : lion
*          : lion@xxxxxxxxxxxx
*          : http://www.cnhonker.com
* Date     : 2004-01-07
* Update   : 2004-02-24 Who report this bug to Rhino??? Released v5.0.0.4 
patched this bug. 
*          : 2004-02-17 v7.0 Add Download url file and exec shellcode.
*          : 2004-02-04 v6.1 Modified to work with UNIX.
*          : 2004-02-01 v6.0 Change decode and target, change 'jmp(call) ebx' 
addr to 'pop,pop,ret' addr, can attack winXP and win2003 now.
*          : 2004-01-31 v5.0 Add msvcrt.dll jmp ebx addr, can use on 
CN/TW/EN/KR/other win2k SP4 if msvcrt.dll not changed.
*          : 2004-01-26 v4.2 Change attack target, 2.x to '>= 2.5i' and '<= 
*          : 2004-01-22 v4.1 Change connectback shellcode in one, change bind 
shellcode to rebind shellcode.
*          : 2004-01-13 v4.0 Can attack Serv-U 2.x.
*          : 2004-01-11 v3.1 Add "PORT" command, can penetrate through the 
firewall. (shport > 1024)
*          : 2004-01-09 v3.0 Put shellcode in file parameter, can attack Serv-U
*          : 2004-01-08 v2.0 Add connectback shellcode.
*          : 2004-01-07 v1.0 Can attack Serv-U v3.0.0.16 ~ v4.1.0.11
* Tested   : Windows 2000 Server EN/CN
*          :     + Serv-U v3.0.0.16 ~ v5.0.0.3
*          :     + Serv-U v2.5b, v2.5e, v2.5h, v2.5i, v2.5k
*          : Windows XP EN/CN
*          :     + Serv-U v4.x
* Notice   : *** Bug find by bkbll (bkbll@xxxxxxxxxxxx) 2004-01-07 ***
*          : *** You need a valid account. include anonymous!!! ***
*          : *** This is a Public Version! ***
* Complie  :On Windows
*          :     cl Servu2.c
*          :On UNIX
*          :     gcc -o Servu2 Servu2.c -DUNIX
* Usage    :e:\>Servu2
*          :Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x remote overflow exploit V7.0 
*          :Bug find by bkbll (bkbll@xxxxxxxxxxxx), Code by lion 
*          :Welcome to HUC website http://www.cnhonker.com
*          :Usage:  Servu2  -i <ip> [Options]
*          :                -t      Show All Target Type.
*          :
*          :[Options:]
*          :        -i      Target IP                     Required
*          :        -t      Target Type                   Default: 0
*          :        -u      FTP Username                  Default: ftp
*          :        -p      FTP Password                  Default: ftp@xxxxxxx
*          :        -f      Port of the FTP Server        Default: 21
*          :        -s      Port of the Shell             Default: 53
*          :        -c      Connect back IP               For connectback 
*          :        -d      Download the URL and Exec     Start with 'http://' 
or 'ftp://'


Attachment: Servu2.c
Description: Binary data