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Nmap Security Scanner 3.50 Released
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Nmap Security Scanner 3.50 Released
- From: Fyodor <fyodor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:36:08 -0800
Hello Bugtraq,
I am pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap
Security Scanner version 3.50 from http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ .
Actually it was released a few weeks back, but I wanted to ensure it
is actually stable :).
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is an open source utility for network
exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan
large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses
raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on
the network, what services (application name and version) they are
offering, what operating system (and OS version) they are running,
what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other
characteristics. Nmap runs on most types of computers, including
Linux/BSD/Mac OS X, and Windows. Both console and graphical versions
are available. Nmap is free software, available with full source code
under the terms of the GNU GPL.
To reduce Bugtraq traffic, I rarely post more than one Nmap
announcement per year. The last time was Nmap 3.00 in 2002. To keep
up with all new versions and other Nmap-related announcements, you are
invited to join the nmap-hackers list by sending a blank email to
nmap-hackers-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxx . Or read the archives at
http://seclists.org .
Nmap has undergone many substantial changes since 3.00 and we
recommend that all current users upgrade. Improvements from 41
intermediate releases have gone into 3.50. Here are a list of the most
important advantages (For a much more detailed list, see
http://www.insecure.org/nmap/nmap_changelog.html ):
o An advanced service/version detection system was added after months
of private development. Now instead of using a simple nmap-services
table lookup to determine a port's likely purpose, Nmap will (if
asked) interrogate that TCP or UDP port to determine what service is
really listening. In many cases it can determine the application
name and version number as well. IPv6, SSL encryption, and SunRPC
program number brute forcing are all supported. Thanks to a huge
number of contributors, the database now contains more than a
thousand signatures, representing 180 unique service protocols from
acap, afp, and aim to xml-rpc, zebedee, and zebra.
o The OS detection database has also improved dramatically. There are
now 1,121 fingerprints in the DB (from 700 in 3.30). Most recently
added were Linux 2.6.X, Mac OS X up to 10.3.2 (Panther), OpenBSD 3.4
(normal and pf "scrub all"), FreeBSD 5.2, the latest Windows
Longhorn warez, and Cisco PIX 6.3.3. As usual, there are a ton of
new consumer devices from ubiquitous D-Link, Linksys, and Netgear
broadband routers to a number of new IP phones including the Cisco
devices commonly used by Vonage.
o MS Windows support has improved substantially. Newer features such
as version detection are supported, and the Windows port is also
faster and more stable.
o Mac OS X is now fully supported
o SCO Corporation of Lindon, Utah (formerly Caldera) has lately taken
to an extortion campaign of demanding license fees from Linux users
for code that they themselves knowingly distributed under the terms
of the GNU GPL. They have also refused to accept the GPL, claiming
that some preposterous theory of theirs makes it invalid (and even
unconstitutional)! Meanwhile they have distributed GPL-licensed Nmap
in (at least) their "Supplemental Open Source CD". In response to
these blatant violations, and in accordance with section 4 of the
GPL, we terminated SCO's rights to redistribute any versions of Nmap
in any of their products, including (without limitation) OpenLinux,
Skunkware, OpenServer, and UNIXWare. We have also stopped supporting
the OpenServer and UNIXWare platforms.
o Major changes were made to the NmapFE UNIX GUI. It now uses tabs and
supports all of the major Nmap command-line options. Most of this
work was done by Peter Marschall (peter(a)adpm.de).
o Nmap output is more concise and prettier, thanks to a new
NmapOutputTable class that reduces extraneous whitespace. This makes
it easier to read, and also leaves more room for version info and
possibly future enhancements.
o Major parts of the codebase have been rewritten. Nmap now compiles
with C++ rather than ANSI C, and it lightly uses the Standard
Template Library (STL). The excellent libpcre (Perl Compatible
Regular Expressions) library has been added, as has a custom
parallel socket library (nsock). Libpcap has been updated to version
0.7.2, and the latest autoconf version is being used.
o Every one of the OS fingerprints was examined to normalize the
descriptions. I also looked up what all of the devices are (thanks
E*Bay and Google!). Results like "Nexland ISB Pro800 Turbo" and
"Siemens 300E Release 6.5" are much more useful when followed by
"cable modem" and "business phone system"
o Added a new classification system to nmap-os-fingerprints. In
addition to the standard text description, each entry is now
classified by vendor name (e.g. Sun), underlying OS (e.g. Solaris),
OS generation (e.g. 7), and device type ("general purpose", router,
switch, game console, etc). This can be useful if you want to (say)
locate and eliminate the SCO systems on a network, or find the
wireless access points (WAPs) by scanning from the wired side.
o Nmap will now sometimes guess the remote operating system in the "no
exact matches" case, even if you don't use the secret --osscan_guess
or --fuzzy options.
o Nmap now compiles under Amiga thanks to patches sent by Diego
Casorran (dcr8520(a)amiga.org).
o Added UDP-based "ping" scanning. The -PU option can take an optional
portlist like the TCP "ping" options (-PS, -PA), but it sends a UDP
packet to the targets and expects hosts that are up to reply with a
port unreachable (or possibly a UDP response if the port is
open). This one is likely to work best against closed ports, since
many open ports don't respond to empty requests.
o The random IP input option (-iR) now takes an argument specifying
how many IPs you want to scan (e.g. -iR 1000). This reduces the risk
of forgetting about a scan and leaving it running all night, then
waking up to angry mail from your ISP :). Specify 0 for the old
never-ending scan behavior.
o Made substantial changes to the SYN/connect()/Window scanning
algorithms for improved speeds, especially against heavily filtered
hosts. Also made numerous improvements to the timing behavior of
"-T Aggressive" (same as -T4) scans. -T4 is now recommended for regular
use by users on broadband or direct ethernet connections. One scan
against a firewalled host that took 556 seconds with 3.15BETA2 now
takes only 41 seconds with Nmap 3.50 and the -T4 option.
o Added support for a brand new "port" that many people have never
scanned before! UDP & TCP "port 0" (and IP protocol 0) are now
permitted if you specify 0 explicitly. An argument like "-p -40"
would still scan ports 1-40. Unlike ports, protocol 0 IS now scanned
by default. This now works for ping probes too (e.g., -PS, -PA).
o Applied patch by Martin Kluge (martin(a)elxsi.info) which adds --ttl
option, which sets the outgoing IPv4 TTL field in packets sent via
all raw scan types (including ping scans and OS detection). A TTL of
0 is supported, and even tends to work on a LAN:
14:17:19.474293 > S 326:326(0) [ttl 0]
14:17:19.474456 > S 280:280(0) ack 326
(ttl 128)
o added a new --datadir command line option which allows you to
specify the highest priority directory for Nmap data files
nmap-services, nmap-os-fingerprints, and nmap-rpc. Any files which
aren't in the given dir, will be searched for in the $NMAPDIR
environmental variable, ~/nmap/, a compiled in data directory
(e.g. /usr/share/nmap), and finally the current directory.
o To emphasize the highly professional nature of Nmap, all instances
of "fucked up" in error message text has been changed to "b0rked".
o IPv6 is now supported for many of the most important scan types,
including TCP scan (-sT), connect()-style ping scan (-sP), list scan
(-sL), and version detection. Just specify the -6 option and the
IPv6 numbers or DNS names. Netmask notation is not currently
supported -- I'm not sure how useful it is for IPv6, where even
petty end users may be allocated trillions of addresses (/80).
o Multiple TCP/UDP ports can now be specified for the "ping scanning
phase". You can also now specify multiple ping types (e.g. UDP, TCP
SYN, ICMP echo request, and TCP ACK). So you can now do combinations
such as "-PS22,53,80 -PT113 -PN -PE" in order to increase your odds
of passing through strict filters.
o Reworked the "ping scan" algorithm (used for any scan except -P0 or
-sL) to be more robust in the face of low-bandwidth and congested
connections. This also improves reliability in the multi-port and
multi-type ping cases described below.
o Applied patch by Max Schubert (nmap(a)webwizarddesign.com) which
adds an add-port XML tag whenever a new port is found open when Nmap
is running in verbose mode. The new tag looks like: [addport
state="open" portid="22" protocol="tcp"/] I also updated
docs/nmap.dtd to recognize this new tag.
o Added --packet_trace option, which tells Nmap to display all of the
packets it sends and receives in a format similar to tcpdump. I
mostly added this for debugging purposes, but people wishing to
learn how Nmap works or for experts wanting to ensure Nmap is doing
exactly what they expect.
o Hundreds of more minor features, bugfixes, and portability enhancements.
With this "stable" version out of the way, we plan to dive headfirst
into the next development cycle. Many exciting features are in the
queue, including better multi-host parallelization, an OS detection
overhaul, and further version scanning features, such as intensity
levels. I am also working on a book describing Nmap, from port
scanning basics for novices to the types of packet crafting used by
advanced hackers. Much of this book will be made available for free
online. A few chapters should be available very soon. For the latest
news on Nmap and the book, consider joining the nmap-hackers list
discussed up top.
- From http://www.insecure.org/nmap
I would like to acknowledge and thank the many people who contributed
ideas and/or code to this release. Special thanks go out to A. Jones,
Albert Chin-A-Young, Alex Volkov, Al Smith, Amy Hennings, Andy
Lutomirski, Annalee Newitz, Axel Krauth, Axel Nennker, Ayamura
Kikuchi, Blue Boar, Brian Hatch, Chad Loder, Crayden Mantelium, Curt
Wilson, Darren Reed, Dean Bennett, Diego Casorran, Dmitry V. Levin,
Dragos Ruiu, Dug Song, Eric S. Raymond, Fejed, Florin Andrei, Frank
Berger, Fyodor Yarochkin, Gabriel L. Somlo, Gisle Vanem, Guido van
Rooij, HellNBack, HD Moore, Hubert Feyrer, Jan Roger Wilkens, Jari
Ruusu, Jaroslav Sladek, Javier Kohen, Jay Freeman (Saurik), Jeff
Nathan, jerickson_at_inphonic, Jochen Erwied, Josef 'Jupp' Schugt,
Juho Schultz, Justin A., Kevin Davis, Kirby Kuehl, Kronos, Lance
Spitzner, Lionel CONS, MadHat, Maik Pfeil, Marc Ruef, Mario Manno,
Marius Strobl, Martin Kluge, Matt Burnett, Matthieu Verbert, Matt
Selsky, Max Schubert, Max Vision, Michael Davis, Mikael Mannstrom,
Miscelerious Options, Mugz, Niels Heinen, Osamah Abuoun, Peter
Marschall, Petter Reinholdtsen, Phix, Pope_at_undersec, Przemek
Galczewski, R. Anderson, Rain.Forest.Puppy, ray_at_24hoursecurity,
Remi Denis-Courmont, Rob Foehl, Russel Miller, Ryan Lowe, Scott
Egbert, Sebastien Blanchet, Seth Master, Shawn Wallis, Simple Nomad,
Solar Designer, Solar Eclipse, Ste Jones, Stephen Bishop, Tammy
Rathbun, Tom Duffy, Tom Rune Flo, van Hauser, Wei Jiang, William
McVey, Will Saxon, Yeti, and everyone I forgot :).
And of course I would also like to thank the thousands of people who
have submitted OS and service/version fingerprints, as well as
everyone who has found and reported bugs or suggested features.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org