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RE: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card "backdoor" - Telnet can't be disabled.

The device appears to need a "restart for this change to take effect"
(to quote a phrase from another OS).  We have a 9604 (which,
incidentally, appears to have the same default password, although the
details once logged in are different), and telnet wasn't disabled until
I had logged in via telnet and logged out again.  The device warmstarted
when I logged out, and telnet was subsequently truly disabled.


Craig Miskell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Monosov [mailto:david.monosov@futureinquestion.net] 
> Sent: Friday, 20 February 2004 4:14 a.m.
> To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
> Subject: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card 
> "backdoor" - Telnet can't be disabled.
> To your attention: This comes from limited experience with 
> one version of
> the 9606 firmware (v3.0.3) on MasterSwitch 9xxx series, 
> tested across many
> of the devices:
> Although provided an option to disable telnet 
> administratively via the Web
> interface as well as the Telnet interface itself - telnet does *NOT*
> actually gets disabled. 
> It disables itself for a matter of approx +/- 20 seconds, and 
> comes back as
> if nothing ever happened. Repeating attempts to disable 
> telnet access are
> futile. The only effective method of preventing possible 
> exploitation seems
> to be filtering port 23 on the network level. This seems to be another
> firmware issue.
> Please check your APC's using 9606, your sense of security 
> from disabling
> telnet might be false :(
> ---
> David 'wEEkAY' Monosov
> david dot monosov at futureinquestion dot net
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