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Re: Fw: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card "backdoor" - MORE PROBLEMS
- To: James Green <james@stealthnet.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: Fw: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card "backdoor" - MORE PROBLEMS
- From: Frank Louwers <frank@openminds.be>
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 00:55:47 +0100
On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 10:56:58PM +0000, James Green wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 6:23 pm, thiago.vazquez@light.com.br wrote:
> > We have many products from APC and we've tested that vulnerability in some
> > of them and ..... following are the results.
> [ snip ]
> According to a Matias Kvaternik at APC (US) today, the bug was discovered
> after the AP9606 was discontinued (we bought some less than one year ago),
> and the engineering team has "no fix in the pipeline". He advises us to
> switch off telnet access.
We have a brand new (3 weeks old) masterswitch that's in their
InfraStucture program thingie. It has the same backdoor password!
Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers
Openminds bvba www.openminds.be
Tweebruggenstraat 16 - 9000 Gent - Belgium