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Re: AIX password enumeration possible

Tested with AIX 5.1 ML05, Commercial SSH v3.2.2

Known account on yyyy set to rlogin=false, ssh allows only 1 connection attempt 
before error.

Case 1: Incorrect Password given.

user@xxxx:> ssh yyyy
user's password: 
warning: Authentication failed.
Disconnected; no more authentication methods available (No further 
authentication methods available.).

Case 2: Correct Password given.

user@xxxx:> ssh yyyy
user's password: 
warning: Authentication failed.
Disconnected; no more authentication methods available (No further 
authentication methods available.).

It seems as if the commercial ssh behaves differently and uses it's own 
messages. All r-services and telnet are no longer existant on our systems, so 
it appears to me that the easiest solution would be to use the commercial ssh 
and dump the r-services. That's seems the best way for ppl who are eligible to 
use the source release of the commercial ssh. 


Sven Specker

*** Sven Specker -- University of Frankfurt Computing Center   ***
************ UNIX System Administration (NIM/Security) ***********
***** specker@rz.uni-frankfurt.de [Phone (+49)-69-798-25188] *****
                Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet
                - Hochschulrechenzentrum -
                Senckenberganlage 31-33

                D-60054 Frankfurt/Main
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