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RE: EEYE: Microsoft ASN.1 Library Length Overflow Heap Corruption


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rainer Gerhards [mailto:rgerhards@hq.adiscon.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:11 AM
> To: Tina Bird
> Cc: BUGTRAQ@securityfocus.com
> Subject: RE: EEYE: Microsoft ASN.1 Library Length Overflow 
> Heap Corruption

> But I think the bottom line of all this is if a box is 
> listening to 135,
> 139 OR 445, it is vulnerable. And workstations by default 
> listen to this ports.

If you use Outlook, you are vulnerable.

If you use Internet Explorer, you are vulnerable.

If you use Outlook Express, you are vulnerable.

"Software Affected:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook Express
Third-party applications that use certificates"

Ref: http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AD20040210.html

Speaking of this bug.

We have noted, perhaps outside of the advisory, that we could send a
malformed, digitally signed email and it could be the exploit point --
further, the email would not even have to be viewed. 

That is just one potential avenue of attack.


> I am pretty sure it can.
> Rainer