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Scope of latest RealPlayer vuln

The Real Security Update notice at


gives a download URL for the English RealPlayer v2 (build and 
instructs users of localised v2 players to use the Check for Updates menu 
option in the product.

Just for fun, I tried Check for Updates from my previous v2 player
(English, but it only gave me the option of upgrading to
RealPlayer 10 Beta. Does this mean that .868 is also not vulnerable, or
are Real relying on users of English v2 players to read the above notice?
What good is Check for Updates to these people if it doesn't report the
existence of .872?

Does anyone (NGSS?) have a list of precisely which versions are and aren't
vulnerable? IMAO the Real notice is hopelessly vague on this.

Simon Brady                             mailto:simon.brady@otago.ac.nz
ITS Technical Services
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand