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Re: vulnerabilities of postscript printers

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 10:15, Dragos Ruiu wrote:

> Network attached printers are good portscanners in practice :-).

And their poor IP stacks are easy to use for Idle scans, allowing to
hide the real source of packets.

And you could too keep your sploits on their hard-drive, which could be
the only one of the network without an AV monitoring it.

Nicolas Gregoire ----- Consultant en Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
ngregoire@exaprobe.com ------[ ExaProbe ]------ http://www.exaprobe.com/
PGP KeyID:CA61B44F  FingerPrint:1CC647FF1A55664BA2D2AFDACA6A21DACA61B44F