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Re: Hacking USB Thumbdrives, Thumprint authentication

On Wed February 4 2004 13:37, markus-1977@gmx.net wrote:

 > (to the best of my knowledge) there is no
 > hash-function out there that will hash your fuzzy fingerprint to a
 > constant value is it accepts and to something random if it rejects.

Law enforcement agencies use some kind of algorithm to convert 
fingerprints to a numeric value, so that they can be easily compared.  
This resulting value could of course be hashed.  Question is, is this 
something that (so far) a human must do, or is it automatable in real 
time by a reasonably small and low-priced system?

Dave Aronson, Senior Software Engineer, Secure Software Inc.
(Opinions above NOT those of securesw.com unless so stated!)
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