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RE: Hysterical first technical alert from US-CERT
- To: "Eggers, Bill A [LTD]" <William.A.Eggers@mail.sprint.com>
- Subject: RE: Hysterical first technical alert from US-CERT
- From: Darragh Bailey <felix@compsoc.nuigalway.ie>
- Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 13:36:46 +0000
Quoting "Eggers, Bill A [LTD]" <William.A.Eggers@mail.sprint.com>:
> Seeing as how SCO got shut down and Washington Mutual (I tried to get money
> from them today and couldn't, they indicated the MyDoom.B was the cause of
> their problems and several other banks), I'd say it was more than just a
> minor bother and a little less than hysterical. However, they do have some
> strong language in their alert. I'm just glad the government is putting some
> real resources behind the effort.
> Bill Eggers
> Tech Support Manager
> SprintDSL
Just 1 minor quibble.
http://www.sco.com website didn't actually get taken down with the DoS. SCO
removed the A records so that there is no dns record to use to target the
website. So nice to see the worm foiled so easily. btw http://sco.com still
works and points to their website, and all of there sub systems seem to be
still up, so they effectively rendered the DoS null and void. All the mail
traffic still being generated is a pain though.
"Nothing's foolproof to a sufficently talented fool"