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Re: BUG IN APACHE HTTPD SERVER 2.0.47/48 (to who replied me)
- To: Phan "Thái" Trung <trungonly@yahoo.com>
- Subject: Re: BUG IN APACHE HTTPD SERVER 2.0.47/48 (to who replied me)
- From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <wrowe@rowe-clan.net>
- Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 10:15:24 -0600
Finally the gist of a very effective question:
Q. Should Apache require that the .htaccess-permitted web content
allow the user to control the ErrorDocument directive?
A. Yes, provided that AllowOverride FileInfo (or AllowOverride All) is given
in the httpd.conf file for the web content's directory tree.
Allow use of the directives controlling document types (...)"
Any administrator who would permit untrusted content authors to use the
.htaccess file in such an open manner would be foolish. The examples
you are citing imply that the Administrator is taking steps to lock down
the server. The very FIRST thing such an administrator would do would
be to restrict AllowOverride and ensure Options FollowSymLinks is off.
I validated this behavior in httpd-2.0 and apache-1.3 - and in both cases
the ErrorDocument directive is restricted to AllowOverride FileInfo.
The report is based on the assumption that the administrator went to only
half the effort to lock down the server, therefore it's certainly not a bug
or hole in the Apache server, but in the configuration you've proposed.
At 03:58 AM 2/5/2004, Phan "Thái" Trung wrote:
>Hi Reagan Blundell, Andre Malo, Rafael D'Avila...
>Thanks for your comment. But let's think a bit more carefully and reply to me
>your opnion.
>Suppose that the root *user set* a directory to Deny From All, so in fact all
>web users should not be able to get its content. But a *reseller user* who has
>the right to modify the .htaccess file (ErrorDocument), could let other *web
>users* get its content via a 403 document, or at least get the 403 doc itself,
>which is placed in the same directory. In this case, we do not need PHP.
>Answer me, it's a Apache feature, or a mistake of Apache?
>Best Regards,
>Reagan Blundell <Reagan.Blundell@Centradia.com> wrote:
>> I think it's a vuln, in fact I confirmed someones for that.
>> Then I post it into a bug-tracker list instead of in a user
>> support forum. Thanks for your comment.
>The only reason it is a "vulnerability", is because PHP allows a user to
>read files from the system. This is completely regardless of whatever
>protections you have set up in Apache. If you don't trust your users, then
>allowing them to run PHP scripts is just plain stupid. This is not a
>security issue with apache. This is an administrator not knowing the
>consequences of giving users access to PHP.
>Rafael D'Avila <rooter@terra.com.br> wrote:
>IMHO, there's no vulnerability here... if you trust your users, and let them
>execute some codes from inside the server, you are only using a feature of
>Apache, and have to be the responsibility if someone execute dangerous
>Only my 0.2 cents
>Rafael D'Ávila
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "André Malo"
>To: "langtuhaohoa caothuvolam"
>Cc: ;
>Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 4:07 PM
>Subject: Re: BUG IN APACHE HTTPD SERVER (current version 2.0.47)
>> * langtuhaohoa caothuvolam wrote:
>> > Deny From All: In this way they can access from outside the server.
>> You mean: An attacker needs to place such a script on the server, which
>> includes the requested uri.
>> If he's able to do so, he can
>> (a) read the file anyway
>> (b) simply open it from inside the script using normal file operations.
>> I cannot see a vuln here. If he's able to take the actions described
>> one has *real* trouble on the server.
>> This seems to me the same topic as the mod_perl hijacking. If you don't
>> your users, don't let them execute code from inside the server.
>> nd
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