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Re: new WIN virus?

Seems that the webpage uses several known (unfixed) exploits in IE, i.e. it
spoofes the URL in the adress-bar and overwrites Mediaplayer with an
executable (updatte.exe). I took a quick look at the executable. It seems to be 
sort of 900#-dialer. I couldn't find out a lot since all my disassembly tools
don't like the stuff that my unpacker produced (the executable uses an
exe-packer called FSG), but from the API that's imported (some RAS stuff) my 
guess right now is that it is yet-another-dialer. Strings in the unpacked
executable seem to be encrypted for the most part. If this spam was meant to be
for the German "market", the spamers forgot to register their dialer with the
RegTP/government, so no lead there...


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something else for breakfast, get up later.

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