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[SuSE 9.0] possible symlink attacks in some scripts

Product: some scripts shipped with suse 9.0 
Date: 20.01.2004 
Author: l0om <l0om@excluded.org> 
i have done a litte reseach on a SuSE linux 9.0 box 
for possible symlink attacks. i have checked nearly 
every script i could found on the system. i havent 
found much and nothing very special.i dont have a 
clue if the following scripts are somewhere on the 
system executed but maybe someone useses them in a 
script or something like that. 
cat > $TEMP <<EOF 
cp $OLD_MENU $T-c 
mkdir $tmp || exit 1 
mkdir $tmp/rates 
-l)     cp $2 $tmp/labels 
rm -rf $tmp 
gdb << EOF &> /tmp/xf86debug.1.log 
echo "Debugger output written to /tmp/
xf86debug.1.log." #thx for that info 
echo "$2" > /tmp/.winpopup-new 
echo `date +"%a %l:%m %p"` >> /tmp/.winpopup-new 
cat "$1" | tr "\000" "\012" >> /tmp/.winpopup-new 
mv -f /tmp/.winpopup-new /tmp/.winpopup 
verbose "using $DEVRAM as a temporary loopback file" 
#thx for that info 
dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEVRAM count=$INITRDSIZE bs=1024 
> /dev/null 2>&1 
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                           rest of excluded.org 
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than jake ... 
                        www.excluded.org  --l0om 
                                have Phun!