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RE: Abuse report email for CitiBank/CitiCards?


for a better and clear experience with Citibank folks and their responses.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Weaver [mailto:nweaver@CS.berkeley.edu] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 11:07 AM
To: winstrel
Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Re: Abuse report email for CitiBank/CitiCards?

On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 03:36:28PM -0500, winstrel composed:
> Anyone know valid email addresses for reporting potential abuse or fraud
> to CitiBank.com/CitiCards.com?
> I'd like to forward some fraud emails (e.g. "Please go to this link and
> enter your card number and PIN that you use for ATM access...") for their
> information, but most of the usual suspects (abuse@XXX, webmaster@XXX,
> bounce and using their web searches or Google comes up with nothing about
> reporting this kind of thing.
> Also, any recommendations for other places where such reports should be
> sent, for the general public's good (especially since companies like
> CitiBank are apparently reluctant to admit that such fraud exists)?

I had slightly better luck contacting the hosting firm which had the
corrupted site for one phishing scheme.  

However, it seems to me that the actually really is pretty much "we
just don't care" overall.  You can get a particular instance shut
down, but there doesn't seem to be a serious attempt to backtrack &
prosecute, probably becaues things just cross so many boundries of

Nicholas C. Weaver                                 nweaver@cs.berkeley.edu