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Re:Re: SQL Injection Vuln In osCommerce 2.2-MS1

In-Reply-To: <20031215061530.20789.qmail@sf-www2-symnsj.securityfocus.com>

This vulnerability also exists in the account_edit_process.php and pretty much 
anywhere else you can input data into the country field by altering the form.


>X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.411 (Entity 5.404)
>From: JeiAr <security@gulftech.org>
>To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
>Subject: RE: SQL Injection Vuln In osCommerce 2.2-MS1
>Threw together a quick script that shop owners or admins can use to test 
>whether or not they are vuln. Should be handy in cases where store owners are 
>not sure what version they are running etc.