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Invision Power Top Site List SQL Inection
- To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: Invision Power Top Site List SQL Inection
- From: JeiAr <security@gulftech.org>
- Date: 15 Dec 2003 21:38:04 -0000
Vendor : Invision Power Services
URL : http://www.invisionpower.com
Version : Invision Power Top Site List v1.1 / *
Risk : SQL Injection Vulnerability
Invision Power Top Site List is a flexible site ranking script
written in PHP, the popular programming choice for web developers.
Featuring an impressive feature set with a user-friendly interface.
Invision Power Top Site List is vulnerable to an SQL injection vuln
due to not properly sanitizing user input via the "offset" parameter.
However, it may be very difficult to exploit this vuln.
The following GET request will trigger the SQL query syntax error ..
Error: Error executing query
The software returned the following error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[ Problem Here ],20' at line 14
Query Executed: SELECT s.*,COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) as comment_count, AVG(v.value)
as rating,COUNT(DISTINCT v.id) as num_votes,COUNT(DISTINCT me.id) as
FROM tsl_sites AS s, tsl_users AS u, tsl_emails AS e LEFT JOIN tsl_categories
cat ON cat.id = s.category LEFT JOIN tsl_votes AS v ON v.site = s.id LEFT JOIN
tsl_ip_address AS ipa ON ipa.address = "" LEFT JOIN
AS ipr ON ipr.id = ipa.record LEFT JOIN tsl_votes AS me ON me.site =
s.id && me.ip_record = ipr.id LEFT JOIN tsl_comments AS c ON c.site = s.id &&
c.admin_validate = 1 WHERE s.user = u.id && s.email = e.id && u.blocked = 0 &&
s.active = 1 && s.admin_validate = 1 && e.validated = 1 GROUP BY s.id ORDER BY
out_count DESC, rating DESC, in_count DESC, name DESC LIMIT [ Problem Here ],20
The Invision Team was very prompt and professional in getting back to
me about this. Because of the difficulty of exploitation there will be
no patch or immediate upgrade released. However the issue will be
addressed in the next release of Invision Top Sites List.
Credits go to JeiAr of the GulfTech Security Research Team.