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Invision Power Board SQL Injection Vuln [ All Versions ]
- To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: Invision Power Board SQL Injection Vuln [ All Versions ]
- From: JeiAr <security@gulftech.org>
- Date: 16 Dec 2003 04:30:40 -0000
Vendor : Invision Power Services
URL : http://www.invisionpower.com
Version : All Versions Up To v2.0 Alpha 3
Risk : SQL Injection Vulnerability
Invision Power Board (IPB) is a professional forum system that has been
built from the ground up with speed and security in mind, taking advantage
of object oriented code, highly-optimized SQL queries, and the fast PHP
engine. A comprehensive administration control panel is included to help
you keep your board running smoothly. Moderators will also enjoy the full
range of options available to them via built-in tools and moderators control
panel. Members will appreciate the ability to subscribe to topics, send
private messages, and perform a host of other options through the user
control panel. It is used by millions of people over the world.
Invision Power Board is vulnerable to an SQL Injection Vulnerability. All
versions up to 2.0 Alpha 3 seem to be affected. Below is an example URL
to test if you are vulnerable.
If you are vulnerable (you should be) you will see an error message similar
to the one posted below. The only requirement is to know a valid forum number
and to have read access to that forum (must be able to view it).
Begin Error Message
mySQL query error: SELECT * from ibf_topics WHERE forum_id=2 and approved=1
and (last_post > 0 OR pinned=1) ORDER BY pinned DESC, [Problem_is_here] DESC
LIMIT 0,15
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[Problem_is_here]
DESC LIMIT 0,15' at line 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Saturday 13th of December 2003 01:25:30 AM
Invision Power Services have released a fix for this. You can view the forum
Or go straight to the download page.
Credits go to JeiAr of the GulfTech Security Research Team.