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Re: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:13:57AM +0000, Pedro Castro wrote:
> >>From: <bugtraq@zapthedingbat.com>
> >>To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
> >>Subject: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
> >>
> >>Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
> >>Vendor Notified 09 December, 2003
> >>
> >># Vulnerability ##########
> >>There is a flaw in the way that Internet Explorer displays URLs in 
> >>the address bar.
> >>
> >>By opening a specially crafted URL an attacker can open a page that 
> >>appears to be from a different domain from the current location.
> >>
> >This exploit also applies to the Macintosh version of Explorer 
> >v5.2.3(5815.1)
> It does also apply to Mozilla Firebird 0.7.

Not the Linux edition, perhaps only on Windows?

Andreas Plesner Jacobsen | Owe no man any thing...
                         |              -- Romans 13:8