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RE: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
- To: "'Pedro Castro'" <noupy@mail.telepac.pt>, bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: RE: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
- From: Lance James <lance.james@bakbone.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 11:43:56 -0800
This also adds another effect, Since it's dropping to the right most url and
it's a parsing issue with the display url, SSL is additionally compromised
for this problem.
Scenario: Fake bank setup in .ru somewhere, attacker has a valid cert that
is signed by a authoritative Trent, and of attacker goes phishing. They
click to go to www.bank.com (looks legit of course, especially now), and it
has their usual SSL login prompt without any warnings. This is not an actual
SSL technical problem, but it adds to the trickery.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Castro [mailto:noupy@mail.telepac.pt]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 4:14 PM
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Re: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
It does also apply to Mozilla Firebird 0.7.
John W. Noerenberg II wrote:
> This exploit also applies to the Macintosh version of Explorer
> v5.2.3(5815.1)
>> From: <bugtraq@zapthedingbat.com>
>> To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
>> Subject: Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
>> Internet Explorer URL parsing vulnerability
>> Vendor Notified 09 December, 2003
>> # Vulnerability ##########
>> There is a flaw in the way that Internet Explorer displays URLs in
>> the address bar.
>> By opening a specially crafted URL an attacker can open a page that
>> appears to be from a different domain from the current location.
>> # Exploit ##########
>> By opening a window using the http://user@domain nomenclature an
>> attacker can hide the real location of the page by including a 0x01
>> character after the "@" character.
>> Internet Explorer doesn't display the rest of the URL making the page
>> appear to be at a different domain.
>> # POC ##########
>> http://www.zapthedingbat.com/security/ex01/vun1.htm
>> # Tested ##########
>> Internet Explorer
>> Version 6.0.2800.1106C0
>> Updates: SP1, Q810847, Q810351, Q822925, Q330994, Q828750, Q824145
>> # Credit ##########
>> Zap The Dingbat
>> http://www.zapthedingbat.com/