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Re: Hot fix for do_brk bug
- To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: Re: Hot fix for do_brk bug
- From: Pavel harry_x Palát <harry_x@babylon5.cz>
- Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 19:51:58 +0100 (CET)
> It would be less intrusive to the kernel to supply a fixed do_brk()
> and replace the do_brk with a jump to your version.
I've written similar patch few days ago. The patch only modifies first
instructions of do_brk() (it replaces them with jmp to function in LKM.
It can be downloaded from http://wizard.ath.cx/fixbrk.tar.gz
But beware, I wrote it in rush and it's pretty odly written :-) But it
worked on my two servers (both were running 2.4.21 kernel with grsecurity
Pavel Palát
Pavel "harry_x" Palát
irc: #mistral.cz on IRCnet
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Arthur C. Clark