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Re: help needed with DotGNU security review (was Re: ..researchers org..)

Norbert Bollow wrote:

How should I go about trying to find people who are skilled in the
area of finding security bugs, and who would be willing to have a
good look at key components of DotGNU (see http://dotgnu.org ) before
they're widely deployed?

This is what Sardonix was designed to do. I cannot assure that you will get a taker, but I suggest a post to the sardonix mailing list would help.

Hint: subscribe to the list first. The list is configured to moderate non-subscriber posts, and I'm killing off about 25 spams a day now, so a legit non-subscriber post could get lost in the shuffle.


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.           http://immunix.com/~crispin/
Chief Scientist, Immunix       http://immunix.com